I used to received free nights any day of the week and GrandPlay. When I comply, they send a lame response/EXCUSE. I have complained before, and when I do they say sorry and send them a private message so they can investigate things further. Something is fishy and needs investigating on a business level. Black Bear, Mystic Lake, Treasure Island - nobody has this depressing outcome EVERY SINGLE TIME with EVERYONE I GO WITH. Machines are super tight and it's pretty much simple ROBBERY.
I know better than this - this does not happen at other casinos all the time every time you go. No matter what machine was tried, there was nothing in return. You will not get our money in your bus station of a casino establishment again. We are all simply insulted beyond fixing, for the last time. I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK, neither will my frequent gaming friends, neither will my family return. I am sorry to say that my 15+ year patronage has come to an end.
I used to receive valuable coupons in the mail. Since about 1995, I used to love visiting Hinckley, staying in the casino hotel, enjoying a buffet, gaming and sometimes getting some playback.